Intimate Care School

Ellen’s Intimate Care School
Many women will face intimate health issues at some point in their lives, with recurring problems like vaginal yeast infections or unpleasant discharge being common. Unfortunately, most women don’t seek help, either because they lack knowledge or because the topic feels too embarrassing to discuss.
A 2019 survey, conducted by Ellen and the Facebook group Heja Livet, revealed that 78% of women felt there wasn’t enough information available on intimate health, and that the subject remains taboo.
With the Intimate Care School, we aim to break this silence and encourage women and girls to become more familiar with their intimate health by providing easily accessible, reliable information. One of Ellen’s key goals is to help you understand the difference between common intimate health concerns and how to prevent them, so you don’t have to feel uncomfortable or worried unnecessarily. Most importantly, we want to inspire you to care for your vagina and intimate health in the best way possible. That’s why we’ve created the Intimate Care Guide – your go-to handbook for maintaining intimate well-being.