Intimate Care School
The period
The vagina & vulva
The intimate care guide
Habits and daily routines are perhaps the main influences on body and soul, not as often the rare occasions. Many people tend to adjust their intimate care routines when experiencing vaginal discomfort, only to revert to old, less beneficial habits once the issue is resolved. However, how you care for your daily hygiene plays a significant role in maintaining long-term intimate health.
Ge to know your body
To understand what is normal for you, your body and vagina you have to get to know your body by look, feel and smell.
A first step to get to know the own vagina is to know how it actually looks like. Take a mirror and sit down on the bathroom floor. The labia and color can vary for everyone – and it’s natural. Your vagina is unique.
The vagina consists of folds and you can, if you’re careful, feel the cervix. It can feel sore if it’s approached too hard, so be careful so you don’t scratch yourself with a nail.
A vagina should smell like a vagina and the intimate scent is nothing you should wash off – it is natural and we all have our personal intimate scent. The intimate scent can vary depending on where you are in the menstrual cycle. Smell before your menstruation and on a few occasions after, to know your intimate scent at its different stages.
Get to know your vaginal pH value
Lactic acid bacteria dominates the vaginal flora, creating an acidic environment in the vagina. For various reasons, these can vary in numbers and have an impact on your vaginal pH-balance. ellen® Vaginal pH-Control® is a self testing kit that test the vaginal pH. The test takes 10 seconds and each pack contains five tests.
3 steps to a pH balanced intimate care routine
Many people prefer to cleanse their intimate area with more than just water. However, using body soap is not recommended, as it typically has a much higher pH level than the intimate area and often contains perfumes that can cause irritation. That’s why it’s important to use a cleanser specifically designed for intimate care. ellen® Prebiotic Cleansing Foam is a gentle and pH-balancing cleansing foam that contains lactic acid that moisturizes and prebiotics that boost the skin’s good bacteria, reduce irritation and strengthen the skin’s protective barrier. The product can also be used as shaving foam for intimate shaving.
You should not wash the genital area more than once a day, instead one can complement the hygiene routine with an intimate deodorant in the groin area. We have sweat glands in the groin just as we do under the arms, and how much we sweat and how bothered we are, varies from person to person.
ellen® Prebiotic Deo Spray is a fragrance-free and fragrance-neutralizing intimate deodorant enriched with prebiotics that boost the skin’s good bacteria, reduce irritation and strengthen the skin’s protective barrier.
When shaving or waxing in the intimate area, the sensitive skin can become irritated and you can develop small red spots. ellen® Prebiotic After Shave & Wax Gel is a soothing and moisturizing gel that reduces redness, irritation and moisturizes the skin. It is also enriched with prebiotics that boost the skin’s good bacteria, strengthen the skin’s protective barrier and help to preserve the natural pH value of the vagina.